NEW . . . Updated & Revised 

3rd Edition


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Visual Strategies for Improving Communication 3rd Edition

Use Visual Strategies for Autism

Learn to use visual strategies for autism . . . simple communication tools that make a BIG difference for Autism, Asperger’s & related learning needs. . .

Linda Hodgdon’s Visual Strategies help Speech Pathologists, Educators & Parents achieve success with their students.

Examples of visual strategies
3 Steps to Overcome Behaviior Challenges in Auytism with Visual Strategies

Hear from Linda about What’s Working NOW

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3 Steps to Overcome Behavior Challenges in
Autism with Visual Strategies

3 boys with iPad

Need Autism solutions?

I can help with that . . .

Let’s face it. Autism can be challenging. Yet there are many simple solutions – using visual tools - that can turn “messy situations” into successful opportunities.

Join thousands of Speech Pathologists, educators and parents who follow Linda Hodgdon to Use Visual Strategies to fix common, but frequently frustrating autism & Asperger's difficulties.

Autism organization logos

What are visual strategies for autism?

Art- Teacher with visual strategies

Students on the autism spectrum (and a lot of other students, too) frequently have challenges or behavior difficulties because they don’t understand their world very well.

Because they are easily frustrated and regularly misunderstood, their behavior is often not like other students.

Sometimes they do not understand how to do what other students do. Sometimes they try to control the world using behaviors and strategies other students don’t usually need to use.

When trying to sort this out, we have discovered that most of these students understand what they see better than what they hear.  They are visual learners.

They tend to be visual learners living in an auditory world

That’s why they respond so well when we use visual strategies.

You can call them visual strategies, visual tools or visual supports, but what they are is visual cues that help students understand better.

Visual strategies work! They help improve communication, prevent problems and guide students to participate successfully at home and school.

Follow me. . . .

If you are new to autism and visual strategies, I’ll help you learn simple solutions for those frustrating situations.

If you’re experienced with the communication needs of students on the autism spectrum, I’ll add to your toolbox of ideas to meet your biggest challenges.

Learn to use Visual Strategies to make a big difference

Raise your hand

You know how parents and professionals are always looking for solutions for those frustrating autism challenges?

I help them solve this

I do it by showing how to use simple visual tools:

  • To give students information
  • Give them the structure they need to participate 
  • Help individuals handle difficult situations with success

You can learn from training programs that are packed with best-practices and effective ideas for using a range of low tech to high tech visual tools, including video and tablets like iPads and apps, to meet the communication, behavior and social skill needs of these students.

Visual strategies work for all skill levels and ages, young children through adults.

I share practical information that will inspire you to take action immediately.

Classics that share practical information for anyone helping children with autism or related special learning needs

What I love about Linda’s work is its durability over time. She has the ability to clarify and support communication with individuals with ASD, while at the same time making information clear and meaningful for those implementing her strategies."

Carol Gray

Creator of Social Stories™

Speech Pathologists, Educators, Parents . . .
those who support students with Autism Spectrum Disorders

You’re in the right place if you want to:

  • Find solutions to meet the communication, social and learning needs of students on with ASD plus other students with communication and learning challenges
  • Fix frustrating behavior situations with confidence
  • Move to the next level using low tech to high tech visual strategies to overcome communication challenges
  • Help your students achieve greater independence so they can participate effectively in their school and home opportunities
Picture card - I need help

Practical solutions to common challenges

Through private consultation, live workshops, books and other training materials Linda Hodgdon has helped hundreds of thousands of therapists, educators and parents of individuals on the autism spectrum, sharing the visual strategies message.

Together, they have overcome many challenging situations and accomplished successful outcomes.

  • Do you feel like you need to get “un-stuck?”
  • Or do you already have things under control, but you just want to add to your “tool box” and sharpen your skills?

I can help you!

Linda Hodgdon with display of visuals
2 children celebrating at computer

Speech-Language Pathologists

Get tools to support your work with young children or older students with autism, Asperger’s or related learning needs. Do you need ASHA CEUs?

Teacher and student  teen working

Educators &
Support Staff

Need new ways to help your students with autism or special learning needs? Are you looking for programs for continuing education?

Young boy helping mom in kitchen

Parents of
Special Needs

Learn simple ways to achieve success with autism spectrum, ADHD & related learning needs.

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